Lead Lynx


How We Successfully Sell Leads: An Ultimate Guide

In the fast-paced world of real estate, success is built on discovering and developing top-tier leads from your sales lead funnel and you can succeed in it if you know how to sell leads. Selling leads is a marketing method that produces new leads by providing valuable contact information of people who may be interested in the product on the website of companies looking for new prospects. But not all leads are worth the same. So, to ensure that the leads we provide have high conversion potential customers, it is crucial to concentrate on vetted seller leads. The sales team also scrubs these leads rigorously so that we only get the best lead quality and qualified prospects for the lead buyers.

How do we Sell Leads 

Selling Leads – The Evergreen Business Model Knowing how to do it right will help you produce high- lead quality that can be sold and bought by the market. This ultimate guide explains these five core steps to sell leads correctly so that you as a lead seller know your strategy follows the best practices of generating leads.

Find Your Target Audience

Understanding Your Market

The first step is to Qualify Your Buyers: At the core of selling leads is a better understanding of who you will be selling to. The first thing to do is through market research and as a lead seller find who your audience is. Determine the verticals, firmographics, and titles of individuals who are most likely to buy leads. Collect audience behavior and preferences using tools like Google Analytics, industry reports, etc.

Segment Your Audience

Once you have a firm grip on what your target market is, the next step is to segment this audience using various criteria. Such factors might be geographic locations, job titles, or purchase behavior. Focusing your lead generation strategies on these segments decreases the odds of wasted lead sources that are non-interested but also prepares you to bring high lead quality prospects for lead buyers as well for buying leads. This makes your strategy and marketing effective and you can sell leads more.

Create a Lead Generation Plan

Choose Effective Channels

One of the fundamental principles for selling leads is choosing which channels will be used to attract potential buyers in real-time. Focus on affiliate marketing, digital marketing channels such as Search engine optimization, content, and social media platforms with a little paid advertising, email marketing using mailing list and also lead distribution software. “For instance” developing substantial blogs on the website followed by the best keywords increases organic traffic and of course affects conversions for buying leads as well.

Craft Compelling Offers

Create solid influencers well into your target market. This could be free trials, downloadable resources or eBooks, and/or exclusive webinars. Make sure your landing pages are easy to use and offer real function value so that they have a great reason why people should give up their contact information. This also helps you to not only sell leads but quality leads.

Leverage Tools and Technology

This will allow you to use lead generation strategies and tools, software efficiently in your process for generating leads as a lead seller. Work on Capturing, Tracking & Nurturing qualified leads — Utilize real-time CRM systems, marketing automation platforms, and lead distribution software to efficiently capture, track, and nurture lead. Dovetailing these tools into your site and marketing campaigns will allow you to not only sell leads more effectively but sell qualified leads.

Effective Lead Generation and GDPR Compliance

The key to effective selling is owning the leads in the lead generation process. Use lead selling software to smoothen the generation process. It ensures that every phone number collected does conform to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). With properly generated leads, and these generated leads can ensure large and small businesses can be sure that their data is safe and compliant while at the same time maximizing the revenue stream which can be realized from them.

Qualify and Nurture Leads

Lead Qualification

A qualification process where you can evaluate the potential and quality leads also lead sources. Your criteria could be the level of engagement that the lead has shown, demographic information about your new leads, or simply how well they align with your target audience. Most of us are familiar with tools like lead scoring systems, which can prioritize qualified leads according to their conversion probability level.

Create a sales and pricing model

Define Pricing Models

Set end-to-end pricing for selling leads on you website and also on lead distribution software. The most common models are pay-per-lead, bulk purchasing (commonly called ‘buying’), or subscription-based. This means selecting a model that is fair in terms of price for the value you give as right lead and quality of leads also follows industry standards. Truly open pricing creates trust with hesitant buyers and subsequently minimizes the selling process and lead forms.

Optimize the Sales Process

Establish an optimized sales lead funnel to manage the qualified leads conversion smoothly as a lead seller. It will involve details such as how quality leads are delivered to buyers by using real-time lead distribution software, controlling for payment terms, and timelines of follow-ups. And a more structured sale process can also boost lead buyers satisfaction and lead to repeat business.

Performance Monitoring and Tuning

Track Key Metrics

Performance Monitoring is all the more important to sustain those benefits over a longer period — for ongoing success you need to check lead quality. Key performance indicators (KPIs) include lead conversion rates, customer satisfaction, and return on investment (ROI). Track data by using Google Analytics, and CRM reports and lead distribution software to measure how well your lead sales team are performing and also how you are generating leads.

Collect Feedback and Iterate

Get feedback from buyers about their experience and what can you improve. Keep track of this feedback and modify your quality leads generation and sales lead strategies accordingly. If you keep making your approach better over time, that means always staying competitive and keeping up with the changing scene of lead buyers.

Our Pricing

Our pricing includes four type of packages.

Individual   15% Referral Fee

Individual Pro 15% Referral Fee

Teams 15% Referral Fee

Brokerage 15% Referral Fee
$ 299/ one time$ 499/ one time$ 4399/ one time$ 13,999/ one time
Service for 1 realtorService for 1 realtorService for 10 realtorsService for 30 realtors
24/7 Customer Support24/7 Customer Support24/7 Customer Support24/7 Customer Support
Live Call TransfersLive Call TransfersLive Call TransfersLive Call Transfers
6 Prospects in 6 Months12 Prospects in 6 MonthsAudience BuildingAudience Building
Work in desired areaWork in desired areaWork in desired areaWork in desired area
Double verified prospectsDouble verified prospectsDouble verified prospectsDouble verified prospects


  • $299 (One-time payment)


  1. Service for 1 Realtor:
    • Perfect for one real estate agent.
  2. 24/7 Customer Support:
    • Round-the-clock support to help with any questions or challenges. Providing call-to-action service.
  3. 6 Prospects in 6 Months:
    •  Within 6 months, the realtor would be provided with a total of six qualified prospects.
    • Work in Desired Area:
    • Leads are generated based on the specified geographical area of interest by a realtor, therefore relevant to the target market of that realtor.
  4. Double Verified Prospects:
    • Leads offered in this package are double-checked to ensure that they are interested and of high quality of leads.

Individual Pro Package


  • $499 (One-time payment)


This package is almost the same as the “ Individual Package” Services as 24/7 customer support, live call transfers, and double-verified prospects are the same Differences.

  • Increased Number of Prospects: The “Individual Pro” package includes twice as many prospects, 12, as opposed to the “Individual” package with 6 prospects for the same time period of 6 months.

Teams Package


  • $4399 (One-time payment)

  Key Features:

  1. Service for 10 Realtors:
    • This is the package for teams or groups of up to 10 real estate agents looking for services in one package.
  2. Audience Building:
    •  This feature involves the establishment and maintenance of a custom audience for the team. It is an added service not mentioned in the “Individual” or “Individual Pro” packages and is advantageous to growing the reach and influence of a team.

Comparison with the “Individual” and “Individual Pro” Packages:

  • Scope and Number of Users:
    • The “Teams” package allows for up to 10 realtors, so it works well with larger teams or companies. Individual and Individual Pro plans are designed for one realtor.
  • Additional Feature – Audience Building:
    • While the “Individual” and “Individual Pro” plans do not include it, audience building is provided for in the “Teams” plan. It helps create and manage a targeted audience, which will be very useful in terms of expanding the reach for an entire team.
  • Overall Value:
    • The “Teams” package is of greater value, as the scope in this case is wider and additional services are added with respect to audience building; it, however, comes at a higher price point.

Brokerage Package


  • $13,999 (One-time payment)


  1. Service for 30 Realtors:
    • This package is made for larger brokerages or real estate organizations. Services are provided to up to 30 real estate agents.
  2. Audience Building:
    • It would create and manage a targeted audience to help extend the reach and impact of the brokerage. In this way, it aids in marketing efforts and lead generation process on a greater scale.

Comparison with Other Packages:

  • Scope and Number of Users:
    • The “Brokerage” package supports up to 30 realtors; it’s good for large brokerages or real estate firms. In contrast, the “Individual” package serves a single realtor, while the “Individual Pro” serves one realtor with additional features, and the “Teams” package supports up to 10 realtors.
  • Additional Features:
    •  While the “Brokerage” package includes building an audience. This helps the large organizations to fulfill broader marketing strategies and manage leads.
  • Overall Value:
    • “Brokerage” is the highest and most comprehensive solution offered to large teams and brokerages with extended needs. It provides a high volume of service and support, including all features in the other packages but on a larger scale. you can see full details on the website.


Go through our frequently asked questions for your concerns, you can also reach out to chat support if you don’t find what you need.

  • What type of leads do we provide?

We provide double verified seller leads in your desired area.

  • Do you have a one-time payment?

Yes, we only have a one-time payment.

  • Do you have customer Support?

LeadLynx provides round the clock customer support
